• Noi Asigurăm Liniștea Dumneavoastră!
  • Noi asigurăm liniștea Dumneavoastră!

Property Insurance

Throughout our activities, we strive to provide insurance products and services to meet the needs of individuals, families and businesses.

Accident and Health Insurance

Throughout our activities, we strive to provide insurance products and services to meet the needs of individuals, families and businesses.

Auto insurance

Throughout our activities, we strive to provide insurance products and services to meet the needs of individuals, families and businesses.

Asigurări pentru activități de transport

Throughout our activities, we strive to provide insurance products and services to meet the needs of individuals, families and businesses.

Răspunderea Civilă

Throughout our activities, we strive to provide insurance products and services to meet the needs of individuals, families and businesses.

Oferă compensarea chetuielelor medicale peste hotare, în cazul:

  • Îmbolnavirii subite şi imprivizibile, care amenință viața sau sănătatea persoanei asigurate;
  • Acoperirea cheltuielilor stomatologice de urgență;
  • Leziunilor corporale sau decesului, survenite în urma unui accident;
  • Repatrierea medicală;

Repatrierea post-mortem.

Companies of VIG Group