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  • Noi asigurăm liniștea Dumneavoastră!

Property Insurance

Throughout our activities, we strive to provide insurance products and services to meet the needs of individuals, families and businesses.

Accident and Health Insurance

Throughout our activities, we strive to provide insurance products and services to meet the needs of individuals, families and businesses.

Auto insurance

Throughout our activities, we strive to provide insurance products and services to meet the needs of individuals, families and businesses.

Asigurări pentru activități de transport

Throughout our activities, we strive to provide insurance products and services to meet the needs of individuals, families and businesses.

Răspunderea Civilă

Throughout our activities, we strive to provide insurance products and services to meet the needs of individuals, families and businesses.

Răspunderea transportatorilor fața de călători

Obiect al asigurarii este raspunderea civila a transportatorilor pentru prejudiciul cauzat vietii, sanatatii si bunurilor calatorilor.


Subiect al asigurarii poate fi persoana juridica, indiferent de tipul de proprietate si forma de organizare juridica, ori persoana fizica care, in baza licentei, obtinute in ordinea cuvenita, efectueaza transportarea organizata a calatorilor cu transport aerian, auto, feroviar si fluvial.

Companies of VIG Group